Portfolio and services
Insurance management at DMW
The first step of any task as an insurance broker is to analyse all relevant risks in relation to existing insurance cover. In many companies, a historical collection of contracts join forces with departmental and unit island solutions – sometimes contradicting each other – to muddy the water. So sometimes the question arises of common guidelines and a common philosophy for risk assessment and risk transfer.
It’s not uncommon for a certain level of negotiation prowess to come in handy with all these preparatory analyses, estimations and the development of a suitable action plan. The insurance experts at DMW have amassed essential expertise over more than 20 years of experience. This includes the tasks of conducting negotiations as well as the challenges of cross-functional mediation alongside the required specialist know-how.
Various references from a wide range of fields are available, such as:
- Creating a fire safety guide for a global company
- Carrying out training on product liability/guarantees and freight liability/logistics
- Creating a guide on establishing insurance sums for property insurance taking SAP structures into account
DMW insurance management – international cooperation
Within the scope of each individual DMW job, we support all operational insurance sectors as we facilitate links to all renowned insurers as impartial experts.
For international sectors and their corresponding needs, we have a network of cooperating brokers especially selected by us in over 20 countries, who act independently on one hand while completely accepting our guidelines and company values on the other.
DMW – services by field
Die grafisch so übersichtlich und geordnet wirkenden Leistungsfelder zeigen sich in der täglichen Praxis so verwoben wie gegenseitig voneinander abhängig. Die Risikoentwicklung in den unterschiedlichen Unternehmensbereichen und ihrer Aktivitäten ist einem ständigen Wandel unterworfen – wie auch die Situation auf dem Markt der Anbieter.
Temporally restricted risk transfer contracts play a similarly changeable role as new risks to be evaluated in relation to the concept as a whole. Our team of experts in various disciplines draws on process loops developed over many years with suitable analysis tools to consistently evaluate the relevant variables anew.